The Bitter Liberals in the Winchester Star (Where’s Aubrey FRIDAY)

Tuesday’s Winchester Star (12/26) included an article about Friday’s upcoming Where’s Aubrey concert (featuring three of five Bitter Liberals on stage). Where’s Aubrey performs all original music, with Rhine Singleton on guitar and Gary McGraw on violin and mandolin. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW, THEY ARE GOING FAST Where’s Aubrey will release their eighth record “diversion” […]

Upcoming Bitter Liberals Show Featured in the Winchester Star

Thanks to the Winchester Star and ace reporter Jackie Puglisi for writing a great feature article about the Bitter Liberals in today’s Winchester Star (Saturday May 28). We’re proud of the band and what we’ve accomplished together, and we had fun talking to Jackie about that and about our upcoming show at the Barns of […]

The Bitter Liberals: Musica for the Studio and 2.21 Concert

Last night we spent some time working out the arrangements for the four new songs that we will record in the studio this Sunday. That will get us to seven songs in the can for the new CD! We also spent some time chatting with reporters from Leesburg Today and the Winchester Star. Amy was […]

The Bitter Liberals in the Winchester Star

A story in the Winchester Star about the upcoming Where’s Aubrey benefit for the Blue Ridge Wildlife Center at the Barns of Rose Hill (Saturday night, get tickets here) prominently features the Bitter Liberals. Great coverage for the benefit. Hope to see you there.