Mary Daniel Fundraiser Success

On a sultry Thursday evening in Clarke County near Millwood, citizens spanning the political spectrum from both major parties gathered to meet and chat with Mary Daniel, candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates 33rd District. The Bitter Liberals entertained attendees with a two set concert of all original music.

In this video (courtesy of Jacob West’s iphone), Mary Daniel introduces the band. We kick off the first set with Drink.

Mary’s supporters have diverse political views that are not always exactly the same, but we do all agree on one thing, the radical right-wing politics of LaRock is something we do not support.

Allen Kitselman of the Bitter Liberals

Allen Kitselman of the Bitter Liberals

Clark Hansbarger of the Bitter Liberals

Clark Hansbarger of the Bitter Liberals

Gary McGraw of the Bitter Liberals on mandolin

Gary McGraw of the Bitter Liberals on mandolin

Mike Jewel of the Bitter Liberals on conga

Mike Jewel of the Bitter Liberals on conga

The Bitter Liberals join other moderates, Republican and Democrat alike, in supporting and endorsing Mary Daniel. She will represent us well in Richmond.

The Bitter Liberals in Concert in Millwood, VA

The Bitter Liberals in Concert in Millwood, VA

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